AI-Powered Patient Centric Care Solution

Cloud Sight Technologies > AI-Powered Patient Centric Care Solution

AI Care Pathway

AI Care Pathway – AI Powered Patient Centered Care Solution

AI Care Pathway is an AI driven patient centric care solution that simplifies workflow for care managers, engages healthcare consumers, improves quality of patient care, helps in promoting wellness and preventive care.

AI Care Pathway helps medical practices measure performance against critical quality and cost benchmarks, including value-based care objectives. The solution consolidates clinically relevant patient and practice data points which suggests Clinical Care Pattern for each Patient specifically based on their risk score and recommend treatment pathway suitably.

AI care Pathway has taken an approach of using a multi-model AI driven FHIR based solution to pro-vide whole patient care. There are 3 main functional blocks or components considered in the solution.

  • FHIR API Convertor to convert historical clinical data to FHIR format
  • AI/ML engine for prediction, diagnosis and recommendation
  • FHIR Prediction Bundle to persist predictions

AI Care Pathway can be hosted on the Cloud to enable immediate access to patients and healthcare providers and interfaces with all existing healthcare SaaS applications and IoT devices via FHIR Rest-API provided by AI Care Pathway. This FHIR API provides an efficient way to provide access to our patient care co-ordination solution while facilitating security, access control, and standards-based access.

Using AI Care Pathway healthcare providers will be able to swiftly turn around the whole treatment paradigm for Patients with specific health conditions - not based on clinical expertise, but clinical data. And at the same time, lowering costs. The clinical data from different sources (i.e. consultation notes, discharge summary and MRI scans etc) are stored in the Cloud. This will be processed by AI Care Pathway's AI/ML model to provide insights to uncover patterns and trends to enable per-sonalised patient care.

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

  • Remove interoperability barriers by adopting FHIR standards thereby facilitating exchange of medical charts and related documents across healthcare services.
  • Enables universal access to a patient’s Personal Health Record (PHR) for enhanced patient care management across healthcare services.
  • Provides APIs for 3rd Party integration to provide FHIR-Data as a Service where consolidation of health data from different sources is required.
  • Provides dashboards with necessary insights/analytics to learn from or use past data in real time.