Gaming – The Untapped Billion Dollar Potential

Cloud Sight Technologies > Gaming – The Untapped Billion Dollar Potential

Oct. 10, 2022

Gaming - The Untapped Billion Dollar Potential

CloudSight Technologies partners with Computia Technologies Chicago as technology partners for Product Development, Cloud Consulting and Big Data.

As of 2020, the online gaming market was valued at 183.26 billion USD. Experts estimate that it will grow to 321 billion USD by 2026. The market is huge and the potential is enormous. A market this size generates a vast amount of data. Accessing that data and leveraging it in the right way is where growth lies. Experts say that data driven gaming is the way of the future, a future that has already begun.To enable businesses to access this huge volume of information and chart their own path in this rapidly evolving environment, two specialist Information Technology companies have come together to provideaccess to the data in a manner that businesses will be able to apply to their operational requirements.

Cloudsight Technologies is a leading supplier of enterprise IT solutionsacross business and industry verticals. The company specializes in helping clients shift to new business models and processes. Every solution for every client is a tailor-made one, designed to provide the maximum operational benefits and a fast and significant ROI.Computia Technologies helps businesses organize, optimize, and analyze large volumes of business data so that they can make more informed and profitable data-driven decisions. The company specializes in the harvesting, organizing, and analysis of big data so that clients have the tools available to make informed decisions that enhance their businesses.

The gaming industry today is bigger in the U.S. than sports, movies and music. A market this size and with this variety is a very complex one. Being able to organize and analyze the ever-growing amounts of data being generated starts with collecting it and refining the data to make it usable. Then there have to be systems in place to apply that data to defined business objectives. This is how the vast and rapidly increasing number of game lovers can be accessed.

Technology is changing the gaming world and the domain of data-driven gaming is one is a new one with its own parameters and demands. The partnership between Cloudsight and Computia provides the tools for entering this market and growing with it.

For more information on the partnership between Cloudsight and Computia, contact:

Mr. Madhusudan
CEO, CloudSight Technologies