HealthCare InfoXchange and CloudSight Technologies

CloudSight Technologies > HealthCare InfoXchange and CloudSight Technologies

Aug. 08, 2020

HealthCare InfoXchange and CloudSight Technologies announce technology partnership

New Delhi & Bengaluru – Aug. 08, 2020 – CloudSight Technologies, specializing in effective implementation of technologies (IoT, Block Chain, AR/VR, AI/Chatbots, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Big Data), platforms, and architecture, and HCX, a Health Insurance Claim Information Exchange, a platform that enables Hospitals, Insurance Companies, TPAs, Customers to be connected, announced today that they have entered into a formal partnership. CloudSight is now a Technology partner of HealthCare InfoXchange offering customized solutions to HealthCare InfoXchange and its customers. CloudSight will be providing online pre–auth and claim management platform, PHR, EMR and digital transformation solutions for HealthCare InfoXchange.

About HealthCare InfoXchange India Private Limited

HealthCare InfoXchange is a healthcare company and a leading provider of Health Insurance Claim Information Exchange, a platform that enables Hospitals, Insurance Companies, TPAs, Customers to be connected for transfer of information on health claims submission for Pre-authorization Approvals, filing of billing details by Hospitals as well as on-line validation of policy details at the time of admissions. The company has been able to link with more than 2500 hospitals across the country and the efforts are ongoing to further expand the reach.

About CloudSight Technologies

CloudSight Technologies is a company providing Enterprise IT solutions helping clients shift to new business models using the latest cutting-edge technologies. Our proven domain experience, technical expertise, and in-depth knowledge of the latest industry trends empower us to build innovative enterprise solutions.

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