Streamlined Health Record Management and Virtual Consultations: A Global Healthcare Revolution

The healthcare landscape is undergoing rapid evolution, spurred by technological advancements and a growing demand for enhanced efficiency and accessibility. CloudSight and the Eunice Akosa Foundation have united to address these challenges, enhancing the capabilities of the OPENMRS and the…

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Insurance claim settlement through ChatGPT AI with CloudSight eClaimDESK

Insurance claim settlement through AI is an emerging trend in the insurance industry that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to streamline and automate the claims process. AI can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of claim settlement, benefiting both insurance…

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The Benefits of Automating Preauthorization and Claims Processing with eClaimDesk

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies emerging to improve patient care and optimize hospital operations. One area that has seen significant progress in recent years is the automation of preauthorization and claims processing in hospitals. Automating these…

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Real-world examples of AI in clinical decision making

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by providing new ways to improve the accuracy, speed and efficiency of clinical decision making. With the ability to analyze vast amounts of patient data, clinical decision making is helping doctors and…

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Using Azure Synapse Link for real-time data access and reporting on your Dataverse data

In today's fast-paced business world, having real-time access to data is more important than ever. Traditional data integration methods, such as data replication or data movement, can be slow, complex and costly. With Azure Synapse Link, you can have real-time…

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The FHIR Mandate: Opportunities and Challenges for Healthcare Organizations

The FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) mandate is a proposed rule that would require US health plans to adopt the HL7 FHIR standard in order to securely exchange and access electronic health information. If implemented, the FHIR mandate could have…

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Changing the Entire Healthcare Paradigm using Technology

The need for hospitals to adopt the latest claims processing technology has never been greater. Adapting and leveraging on automation in existing claims operations will lead to increased patient satisfaction, improved visibility, and processing time, eliminates the need for physical…

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15 Surprising Stats About Telemedicine

The evolution of the Telemedicine is traced from its onset in the 1960s. Telemedicine developed as a concept of healthcare delivery to fulfill the needs of NASA and the Nebraska Psychology Institute, according to a paper written by researchers from…

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A Long Journey from from to Windows Azure

.Net to Cloud Era for DevelopersWhen the .NET session audience made an attempt to define, ‘What Microsoft Azure is’, it ranged from ‘Microsoft’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS), to ‘data centre on the cloud’ and to ‘Microsoft’s cloud platform’.“Windows Azure is an operating…

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CloudSight Technologies Launches VClinique

With doctors and patients expressing concerns over waiting time in hospitals for in-person or video interpreters, CloudSight Technologies, a digital transformation consulting firm, has launched VClinique, which promises to remove the language barriers. Cloud Sight’s virtual clinic platform VClinque is…

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